Côte d’Azur, France

Do you have a lot of money? Don't worry, neither do I. What I do have, however, is the insatiable desire to simply walk around all day, and luckily you can do that anywhere for free. The photos aren't going to take themselves! Bopping around solo for a few days around the French Riviera, here is all the walking (a lot) + running (not that much) I did:
Just like anywhere else in France, there is a lot to eat and a lot to drink. Here are some of the places I wandered into. I tend not to research much food + bev before I travel; I just go on *vibes* and Google ratings.
Like I said earlier, I'm 100% content to simply walk around with my camera all day, and one of the qualities I'm drawn most to in any environment is the color. All around beautiful muted greens, peaches, and oranges, all stacked against rousing sharp blues of the ocean with the entire coastline salted and peppered with stark whites and desaturated pinks (so *not pink* that you can barely even call it pink). I love love love it.
I enjoy using travel as a means to be alone. It's not that I'm always alone, but the opportunity to have a purely artistic agenda captivates me in a way that nothing else really can. Having been laid off from my recent job, one I genuinely enjoyed, was a hit to the spirit, but through some meaningful time away, I've found joy in taking this time to create content for self-promotion as I transition into a freelance career. Is it daunting? Absolutely. But can I pull it off? We're about to find out!

This life wasn't what I initially envisioned, but here I am. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have time away, a luxury not everyone has access to. Solo travel can be challenging, especially if it's not really within your wheelhouse. However, after years of seeking out solo artistic-based travel, I can happily say that doing so has increased my confidence, my flexibility, and my commitment to finding and making beautiful art.

I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this, but thanks for being here. It means a lot. :)